Page.goto, page.waitForNavigation/page.locator causes Datadog warning

Hello! I’m using k6 browser for the first time to simulate logging into a page. Two lines of code provoke the following warning:

Datadog Browser SDK: service value doesn't meet tag requirements and will be sanitized. More details:  browser_source=console-api source=browser

The relevant code is:

const page = await browser.newPage();
const response = await page.goto(loginUrl);  // This line causes the warning
await page.locator('input[name="USERNAME"]').type(username);
await page.locator('input[name="PASSWORD"]').type(password);
await Promise.all([
]);  // So does this one

I’ve never used datadog and haven’t intentionally installed it to use with k6. How can I resolve the warning?

Hi @esd648,

The log message browser_source=console-api indicates that the warning probably comes from the web page (loginUrl) or any of the included third-party scripts on that page. Please make sure that none of them uses the Datadog browser SDK.

Hope this helps.