Npm run watch stops at [at-loader] Ok, 7.563 sec. (no bin folder) on windows server 2012 R2

i am trying to install grafana from source. everything went well, no errors but not able to find the bin folder to start grafan server.
at one place under packaging folder few grafana-server files are there, if these are the files how to start them’?
and why ‘npm run watch’ hangs at position?
[0] multi jquery angular angular-bindonce angular-native-dragdrop angular-rou
te angular-sanitize babel-polyfill baron brace classnames clipboard d3 d3-scale-
chromatic eventemitter3 file-saver immutable lodash mobx mobx-react mobx-state-t
ree moment mousetrap mousetrap-global-bind prismjs prop-types react react-dom re
act-grid-layout react-highlight-words react-popper react-select react-sizeme rea
ct-transition-group remarkable rst2html slate slate-plain-serializer slate-react
tether tether-drop tinycolor2 508 bytes {2} [built]
[./public/sass/grafana.dark.scss] ./public/sass/grafana.dark.scss 41 bytes {5} [
[./public/sass/grafana.light.scss] ./public/sass/grafana.light.scss 41 bytes {4}
[./public/vendor/angular-other/angular-strap.js] ./public/vendor/angular-other/a
ngular-strap.js 6.73 kB {3} [built]
[./public/vendor/angular-ui/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js] ./public/vendor/angular-ui/ui-
bootstrap-tpls.js 47 kB {3} [built]
+ 1963 hidden modules

[at-loader] Ok, 7.563 sec.

thanks in advance for your reply…

@zaheer I am trying to build Grafana from source and i have a similar problem with you. You can have a look here: Building Grafana from source
Have you managed to deal with your problem?

Please any feedback would be very helpful. Thank you in advance!