my grafana is Grafana v10.4.1 (d3ce857c0e).
I’m trying to connect to a mysql database on RDS. Unfortunately i receive a bad connection but I have no errors on the grafana logs with debug level.

logger=accesscontrol.evaluator t=2024-07-15T11:37:27.474583887+02:00 level=debug msg=“Matched scope” userscope=datasources:* targetscope=datasources:uid:fdrijg8utogsge
logger=datasources t=2024-07-15T11:37:27.474700354+02:00 level=debug msg=“Received command to update data source” url=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:3306
logger=datasource t=2024-07-15T11:37:27.47472288+02:00 level=debug msg=“Applying default URL parsing for this data source type” type=mysql url=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:3306
logger=datasource t=2024-07-15T11:37:27.474742714+02:00 level=debug msg=“Data source URL doesn’t specify protocol, so prepending it with http:// in order to make it unambiguous” type=mysql url=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX:3306
logger=sqlstore.session t=2024-07-15T11:37:27.475377152+02:00 level=debug msg=“reusing existing session” transaction=true
if I try a telnet on port 3306 it’s ok. If it were a connectivity problem I don’t think telnet would work, but it works.
Has anyone ever had any problems?
Could be SSL/TLS issue, according to log connection attempt is being made via http.
Can you connect to that database successfully using db client, for example MySQL Workbench or DBeaver?
yes i connect.
I add as information that on a server we have Grafana v7.5.10 (e72061a129) and the data source works perfectly.
I’m using the same endpoint and same user. Everything is the same but with Grafana 10 it doesn’t work.
So you have two grafana instances on the same server, right?
No, i have Grafana 7.5 on server 01 and Grafana 10.4 on server 02.
In this moment the “production” is Grafana 7.5 and we need to have to version 10.4 but we are afraid to do it on the same server so we have installed the new version of Grafana on a new server and I am creating all the source data that we use with Grafana 7.5.
have you done all the steps required for a remote mysql connection?
changing the bind address from localhost ( to etc.?
Ok, so you can connect to MySQL database from this new server using any db client, but not Grafana?
dont use that approach to upgrade does your grafana 7 use sqlite as its backend? check the ini for that
yes, my Grafana 7.5 use sqlite. why?
so on the v7 does the mysql connection exist and working? and are you trying to recreate it in the new version 10.4?
yes, exactly. On two different servers.
so the unanswered question does the connectiom on v7 to the same mysql work or not?
Yes, with the Grafana 7.5 version the connection to MySQL works.
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what is the server operating system on these servers?
basically you want to upgrade one version at a time
on new server install last version of v8
copy your data folder from v7 to same folder in v8
start grafana server in v8, test all dashboards
let us know if that works 1st
Server with Grafana 10.4 → Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.10 (Ootpa)
Server with Grafana 7.5 → CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
I can’t modify nothing on the server where is Grafana 7.5.
my problem is only on the server where Grafana 10.4 is. Tomorrow I’ll try with a mysql client without using Grafana’s mysql plugin.
nothing in previous post mentions about changing anything on v7 server
your problem is you are trying to jump from 7 to 10
hi, close this topic. Now ALL is it ok.
There was a problem with IP Filtering. Thanks for support.