Multiline query logs

i have few lines of log it is in new line i want to display in single line in grafana

This is originial log from kubernetes:
2022-11-17 09:24:51.403 UTC DEBUG - - - - ThreadName:pool-9-thread-7 Sending DWA [1387579211:1888570512] DIAMETER_SUCCESS (2001) message:

Diameter Message: DWA
Version: 1
Msg Length: 76
Cmd Flags:
Cmd Code: 280
App-Id: 0
Hop-By-Hop-Id: 1387579211
End-To-End-Id: 1888570512
Result-Code (268,M,l=12) = DIAMETER_SUCCESS (2001)
Origin-Host (264,M,l=23) =
Origin-Realm (296,M,l=19) =

2022-11-17 09:24:51.403 UTC DEBUG - - - - New state is R_Open
2022-11-17 09:24:51.403 UTC DEBUG - - - - clear up current Diameter raw message

From grafana it is showing like below, i want to display same as above, kindly give me suggestions