@ankur I want to move the mouse cursor to disappear the pop up menu list to interact with the elements inside the iframe.
async clickLoginBtn() {
await this.loginBtn.waitFor();
console.log('Login button found');
await Promise.all([
this.page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle', timeout: 10000 }),
await this.tools.click();
await Promise.all([
this.page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle', timeout: 10000 }),
// Get the dimensions of the viewport
const viewportSize = await page.viewportSize();
// Move the mouse to the center of the screen
await page.mouse.move(viewportSize.width / 2, viewportSize.height / 2);
// Perform a hover action (simulated by moving the mouse slightly)
await page.mouse.move(viewportSize.width / 2 + 1, viewportSize.height / 2 + 1);
// Optional: Click after hovering
await page.mouse.click(viewportSize.width / 2 + 1, viewportSize.height / 2 + 1);
// Locate the iframe
const iframeElement = await page.$('#admin_frame');
// Get the Frame object for the iframe
const frame = await iframeElement.contentFrame();
// Now you can interact with elements inside the iframe
const elementInsideIframe = await frame.$('#mat-input-0');
await elementInsideIframe.fill('test');