Measurements missing in k6 prometheus remote write

I tried telegraf to see the k6 metrics via prometheus remote write with native histograms enabled with http_listener_v2 plugin but some measurements are missing like k6_http_req_waiting_seconds, k6_http_req_duration_seconds etc, is it possible to get those metrics as I don’t want to use prometheus as my db.

Any suggestions appreciated

Hi @neles786, sorry for the slow reply :bowing_man:

It seems like telegraf isn’t supporting native historgrams. Looks like you have already found out and reported here.

Given this I don’t think we can really help you at all unless you want to use another output such as the influxdb one. But I can’t tell you if telegraf will be able to handle unaggregated metrics as there is no native histogram alternatives in influxdb or most other outputs k6 supports.

You can definetely test it and see how it works for you.

is it possible to get those metrics as I don’t want to use prometheus as my db.

What do you use or want to use? As maybe it already supportes prometheus remote write with native histograms. A lot of software and SaaS offerings support prometheus remote write as a protocol :slight_smile:

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