Loki - helm simple stack : retention is not working

I have implemented helm chart loki-stack, monolitic version of LOKI. I download hel chart to local drive and change compactor setting in loki chart
working_directory: /data/loki/boltdb-shipper-compactor
shared_store: filesystem
retention_delete_delay: 2h
retention_enabled: true
compaction_interval: 10m

in main values.yaml file I have put following settings:
retention_period: 24h
- selector: ‘{namespace=“loki-stack”}’
priority: 1
period: 48h

As the result in GUI of Grafana I can see that retention is working. But when I log in into pod LOKI I can see that all chunks are present. My configuration is not working.

How to set configuration to enable deletion of chunka in PVC? It seems that only indexes are removed, but data files are still present. I am using local storage without any cloud. I have done everything from doc

Retention is working with config above. There is additional delay after index is deleted after a few hours chunks are deleted.