Locator timeout

in playwright locator in python I can use timeout directly on locators:

loggedin = page.locator('//h1[@class="page-title" and (text()="Your keys" or text()="Dine nøkler")]').is_visible(timeout=1000)

It returns a bool and no exception after 1 sec

How can I do the same timeout in K6 Browser, isVisible() have no timeout?

try {
  let loggedin = await page.locator('//h1[@page-title=" and (text()="Your keys" or text()="Dine nøkler")]').isVisible();
catch (e) {
  console.log("returns a promise after 30sec");

Hey @mortenb123,

Unfortunately, k6-browser Locator.isVisible doesn’t support adding options. Could you please create an issue on our Github here?


Seems like isVisible() in javascript do not have a timeout, how can I set timeouts then:

or something like:

async function myVisible(selector: string, timeout: number) {
  try {
    await page.waitForSelector(selector, { timeout, state: 'visible' })
    return true;
  } catch (err) {
    return false;
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Yes, you can also use locator.waitFor before working with the element.

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