How to run custom percentile in GitHub Workflows?

We are able to see our custom percentile stats in our local runs, but we are trying to integrate it with our GitHub Workflows but we are only able to see the default percentile stats of p(90) and p(95).

Is it possible to see custom percentile, such as p(99), in the cloud for GitHub Workflows?

Hi @adnanmostafamastery

Welcome to the community forum :wave:

Could you share a bit more detail?

We are able to see our custom percentile stats in our local runs

Can you share a snippet of your tests and how you run them? We are most interested in understanding if you are sending the results from local to Grafana cloud k6 or if you mean that you see in the summary output the p(90) and p(95) when running locally. Do you send the local results to the cloud as well?

Is it possible to see custom percentile, such as p(99), in the cloud for GitHub Workflows?

Can you share the configuration you use to run this? Is it based on How to Perform Load Testing with k6 using GitHub Actions?

If you are running this on Grafana Cloud k6, you can always open a ticket to Grafana k6 support, and they will be able to check your executions.
