Hello everyone!
Can you tell me how I can remove the timestamp field?
So that it is not displayed when viewed in Grafana.
Or if possible, it should look like UTC+3
Firstly all logs by default should be stored as GMT0. That’s the right way to do it. After storing the Timepicker on Grafana should normally get your browser Timezone (that is get from the OS) and it should be seen with the right correction.
Secondly, if the logs are in GMT0 and the correction isn’t automatic, you should try to look in the timepicker:
Last option should be correcting the log itself, if your case is on this direction you should look at the docs in timestamp | Grafana Loki documentation
If you want to completely remove the timestamp field from your logs before they are sent to Grafana, you can adjust the processing stage in your loki.process configuration. You already have the stage.drop rule that drops the timestamp field, but it may need a little adjustment. Here’s how you can do it:
grafana needs timestamps to be UTC. I would leave the timestamp alone as is. Then change your browser to be your local time zone then everything will align
I think you are overthinking this and making it a problem when it’s not.
Two things are true:
You need a timestamp for logs.
In any sort of backend system environment, regardless which part of the world you are, you should want everything to be UTC. You can google why this is generally a good idea.
I suspect the ts shown in the screenshot is probably not the actual timestamp of the logs, but rather part of the log. I would recommend to make sure logs are properly parsed for timestamp.