I need to import the dashboard in the Grafana using rest API, Can anyone provide me the python working code?
You can definitely do this by using popular scripts e.g. Python or Bash (or simply with cURL command).
As a starting point, please have a look at our API Documentation here.
There are already some community posts regarding this so you can check the following links
1- Import dashboard from file via API
2- Grafana API create dashboard API with Python
Also, I recently found this (haven’t known it before) that there are now Python library functions available to do that (in just a single command line);
1- grafana-import - Python Package Health Analysis | Snyk
2- grafanalib/grafanalib/tests/examples at main · weaveworks/grafanalib · GitHub (Scripts ready to go)
and if you really want to go a bit in more hands-on then you can check this link:
I hope this helps.