Hello Grafana Experts,
I have below log line which I have ingested in Grafana loki and now I want to extract the timestamp and ResponseTime from this log line.
Log Query : {domain=“dev1”, env=“dev”, job=“access-logs”} |~ SNCalculateQuoteSalesTaxServiceV2
| regexp (?P<timeStamp>(?P<date>\S+\s[0-9]+:[0-9]+):[0-9]+)\s(?P<responseTime>\S+)\s(?P<httpMethod>\S+)\s(?P<ecid>\S+)\s\S+\s(?P<uri>\S+)\s(?P<httpResponse>\S+)\s\S+
My goal is to create Time series using timestamp and responseTime and create an alert if responseTime is greater than 1secs.
It would be appreciate if can help me on this