The default message format for k6 with console.log
time="2023-07-19T10:40:20Z" level=info msg="hello" source=console
I want to modify this message and let’s say add a custom label like trace=1234 method=login
I want to do this because the logs will be sent to Loki and then I can search by labels like method
How can I achieve this?
I know, I can achieve this by creating a custom javascript extension with a custom log method. I have tried this like following for testing purposes:
package tracelogger
import (
// init is called by the Go runtime at application startup.
func init() {
modules.Register("k6/x/tracelogger", new(TraceLogger))
type TraceLogger struct{
func (l *TraceLogger) Log() {
currentTime := time.Now()
formattedTime := currentTime.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00")
fmt.Printf("time=\"%s\" level=info trace=1234 method=abc msg=\"%s\" source=console", formattedTime, "hello")
Now in the JS test file
import tracelogger from 'k6/x/tracelogger';
export const options = {};
export function setup() { }
export default function LoadTest() {
It does print the output but in the standard console as expected
time="2023-07-19T12:08:18Z" level=info trace=1234 method=abc msg="hello" source=console
Now the problem is I am also forwarding the log output to Loki
k6 run --log-output=loki=http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push, test.js
The log does not get forwarded to Loki, how do I log so that the log gets forwarded to loki?
I also tried with --log-format=raw
and direct console.log
console.log(`trace=1234 msg="aaaa"`);
but the labelling doesn’t work correctly in loki