When I ramp up I get lots of the following:
time="2024-11-18T01:41:35+01:00" level=warning msg="failed to hide page: evaluating JS: Cannot find context with specified id" category="Page:Close" elapsed="0 ms" source=browser
time="2024-11-18T01:41:35+01:00" level=warning msg="failed to hide page: evaluating JS: Cannot find context with specified id" category="Page:Close" elapsed="0 ms" source=browser
time="2024-11-18T01:41:35+01:00" level=warning msg="failed to hide page: evaluating JS: Cannot find context with specified id" category="Page:Close" elapsed="0 ms" source=browser
time="2024-11-18T01:41:35+01:00" level=warning msg="failed to hide page: evaluating JS: Cannot find context with specified id" category="Page:Close" elapsed="0 ms" source=browser
time="2024-11-18T01:41:35+01:00" level=warning msg="failed to hide page: evaluating JS: Cannot find context with specified id" category="Page:Close" elapsed="0 ms" source=browser
My actions are build like this:
try {
if (debug != 'False') {
console.log("clicking username-authenticator");
const button = await page.locator('#username-authenticator');
await button.waitFor( { state: 'visible' });
if(screenshots != 'False') {
await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshots/' + Date.now() + '-clickusernam-' + ssns[x] + '.png'});
await button.click();
} catch (error) {
console.log("not finding usernameauthenticator " + ssns[x]);
But I have tons of them, I can run with vus=1 and do screenshots and all are correct. But this happens when I ramp up.
Hard to debug.