Help displaying values / names in pie charts using influxDB2 and grafana

I forgot to update you. I did use overrides, and it’s looking great now !

I also learned how to use overrides, which is very handful now I’m building my electrical consumption dashboard ! :slight_smile:

Hello, I was trying to do the same and I came up to this topic.
However I found another elegant solution.
The problem for me is that grafana will show ‘Value’ instead of a numeric value on the pie-chart, regardless of the numeric value.
I had a query result where I had to show how many times distinct values show up in the column.
I had 4 distinct values, 0…3 and on the pie chart each were represented with the word ‘Value’
The solution I had is to include in the result also the values, and then cast them to a string value
SELECT CAST(Sar_A0 AS nvarchar(10)) AS ‘Sar_A0’, Count(Sar_A0) AS ‘Count’ FROM BMS_Chitila.dbo.Hala GROUP BY Sar_A0 ORDER BY Sar_A0
After this, instead of value, I get the string text of the numeric value