Grafana theming via query string


I have recently started exploring Grafana and its possibilities. One of the things that I’ve been trying to figure is whether theming in Grafana is possible?

Consider the following scenario: I build a Grafana dashboard with some panels. I want to embed one of the panels in my personal webpage, but I would like the color scheme / color palette of the chart / panel to be different from the default. I know that in the query string I can specify &theme=dark|light, but my question is whether I can create a custom scheme and load that when embedding the panel using &theme=custom?

Is such a thing possible?

I think you are stuck with what is canned unless you modify the source code.



Do you want specific dashboards or the whole grafana ui to be custom theme?

Well, I’d like to be able to embed a panel somewhere (on my web page) and define a custom theme in the query string (&theme=custom, for example) and that would change the theme of the embed panel on my webpage.

As mentioned earlier you cant until maybe they add more themes

You could maybe sumbit an PR for including more themes?