Grafana SAML Authentication Issue

Hi team,

I have configured SAML Authentication with Grafana Enterprise but i am not getting Sign in with Saml option on Login Page.
Please help

You need to update the following in grafana.ini file

     assertion_attribute_email = Email
     assertion_attribute_groups = Groups
     assertion_attribute_login = Email
     assertion_attribute_name = FirstName
     assertion_attribute_role = Groups
     enabled = true
     max_issue_delay = 90s
     metadata_valid_duration = 48h
     role_values_admin = "admin"
     role_admin_groups = <mention if you org groups mapped to specific roles>
     # if SAML app is encrypted, provide path of crt & key, ldp_metadata.xml path below

either mount this grafana.ini as configmap under /etc/grafana or build as part of Grafana image (if container). You should be able to see SAML login option on Grafana Login page.

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