Grafana image renderer plugin is installed but not showing image alert dashboard

Grafana image renderer plugin is installed but not showing image alert dashboard
please provide solution for that and provide link for setup for grafana image renderer

If the Grafana image renderer plugin is installed but not displaying images in your alert dashboard, there are a few things you can check and steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Verify Configuration:

    • Ensure that the image renderer plugin is properly configured in your Grafana instance.
    • Check that the Grafana server and the image renderer plugin are both running and accessible.
  2. Check Permissions:

    • Confirm that the user who is viewing the dashboard has the necessary permissions to use the image renderer plugin. Make sure they have the “View” and “Edit” permissions for the dashboard.
  3. Browser Compatibility:

    • Test the dashboard on different browsers to check if the issue is browser-specific. Sometimes browser extensions or settings can affect image rendering.
  4. Update Plugin:

    • Make sure you are using the latest version of the image renderer plugin. Outdated versions may have compatibility issues.
  5. Logs:

    • Review the Grafana and image renderer plugin logs for any error messages that could provide more information about the problem.

If you’ve checked all these points and the issue persists, you may want to seek help on the Grafana community forums or GitHub repository, as this could be a specific issue related to your Grafana setup or the image renderer plugin.

For detailed setup instructions, you can refer to the official Grafana documentation. Here’s the link to the documentation for setting up the image renderer plugin:

Following the official documentation should help you set up the image renderer plugin correctly and resolve any configuration issues cursed destiny 2 images you might be facing.