Grafana custom variable to reflect two values at the same time

Variable 1 => Key1: value1, Key2 : value 2
Variable 2 [Depends on Variable1] => if Key1==value1 : anothervalue1, if Key2==value2 : anothervalue2
The value1 and value2 for Variable2 are the values for Variable1.

How can I achieve this scenario?
Any way possible is welcome.

I cannot answer your question (hopefully someone else can), but your definition
is incomplete:

  1. What do you want Variable2 to be if Key1 != value1 and Key2 != value2?

  2. What do you want Variable2 to be if Key1 = value1 and Key2 = value2?


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Thank you for the question.

  1. I do not need to a clause for that cause variable2 can only be two values value1 and value2 (value1 and value2 are values for variable1).
  2. Variable 2 => if it is value 1, then variable2 needs to be anothervalue1, while if it is value 2 then variable2 needs to be anothervalue2.