Grafana 8: How to import/export alerts in unified alert section?

Run this in the devtools console of a Grafana tab. I guess with minor modifications it could be adapted to run in nodejs, on schedule.

(async () => {
    function sleep(ms) {
        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
    const aids = await fetch(`/api/alerts/`).then(v => v.json());
    let alerts = (await Promise.all({ id, dashboardSlug }) => sleep(Math.random() * 10000).then(() => fetch(`/api/alerts/${id}`))
            .then(v => v.json()).then(v => ({ dashboardSlug, response: v })))))
        .map((v) => ({ ...v, exprs: => [v.operator.type, v.query.model.expr, v.evaluator.type, v.evaluator.params[0]]) }));
    const byBoardAgg = alerts.reduce((byBoard, a) => {
        byBoard[a.dashboardSlug] = [...(byBoard[a.dashboardSlug] || []), a.exprs];
        return byBoard;
    }, {})