Grafana 8 Alerting: Alerts are not firing

==> What happened?
I have configured multiple alerts with the same alert conditions I.e. to
run after every 1HR and for 1HR. But email notification is only sent for single alert.

The FOR condition is satisfied for alerts and status is also changed to alerting from pending for multiple alerts but it is not sending out any notifications for it.
I am receiving notification for only one alert but ideally I should receive 5 notification as 5 alerts are in firing state.


==> What was expected to happen?
Email notification should be received for alerts in firing state

==> Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. configure multiple alerts with same alert condition and define only
    default notification policy.
  2. configure contact points teams and email.

==> Version numbers:
grafana version 8 and influxdb version 2.0. used docker image for

Hi, Do you have any answer? I have the same issue. We have switched on the new features and the alerting was working well before, but now the old and the newly defined alerts are not firing emails.

Thanks for the info in advance!

Hi @tothandrasbme
yes my issue resolved by removing spaces in keys of label.