Getting started with Alloy

I have watched yesterday one of the mimir webinars where Alloy was configured to ingest metrics/logs from macos to grafana cloud. I have followed it up and after copying and pasting the configuration of alloy from the integration menu and restarting the alloy service I am getting the following:

/opt/homebrew/opt  stable ················································································································································································································································································································································ INT х  12:28:17 AM 
╰─ brew services start alloy
Error: Formula `alloy` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file
 brew services info alloy
alloy (homebrew.mxcl.alloy)
Running: ✘
Loaded: ✘
Schedulable: ✘
╭─ /opt/homebrew/opt  stable ···················································································································································································································································································································································· ✔  12:28:49 AM 
╰─ brew services restart alloy
Error: Formula `alloy` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file
╭─ /opt/homebrew/opt  stable ·················································································································································································································································································································································· 1 х  12:29:07 AM 
╰─ brew services stop  alloy
Warning: Service `alloy` is not started.

Any way I can fix this?

did you follow this install?


which one is true in your case?

The default prefix for Homebrew on Intel is /usr/local. The default prefix for Homebrew on Apple Silicon is /opt/Homebrew.

To verify the default prefix for Homebrew on your computer, open a terminal window and type brew --prefix.

on apple silicon where the brew is in /opt/homebrew

╰─ brew --prefix            
1 Like

Hi! Met the same issue

% alloy --version                            
alloy, version v1.3.1 (branch: HEAD, revision: unknown)
  build user:       grafana
  build date:       2024-08-23T15:24:50Z
  go version:       go1.22.7
  platform:         darwin/arm64
  tags:             builtinassets,noebpf
% brew services start alloy

Error: Formula `alloy` has not implemented #plist, #service or installed a locatable service file
% brew --prefix 

dont you need to install the alloy service first before starting it?

Thank you for the quick response! I did exactly these commands:

brew tap grafana/grafana
brew install grafana/grafana/alloy
1 Like

what do you see when you do
brew services list

% brew services list
Name Status User File
alloy none

For more details, it used to work for lower alloy version, but after update/reinstall didn’t

i think I have seen this before. just remove alloy totally then reinstall from scratch and see what happens.

That is what I have done. Cleaned up brew and installed everything from scratch and on the second try it worked with no issue.


Had the same error after fresh install on MacOS 14.6.1 with homebrew. Reinstalling with totally the same command fixed the issue.

brew install grafana/grafana/alloy
==> yarn
==> yarn run build
==> go build -ldflags=-s -w -X -X
Last 15 lines from /Users/strajk/Library/Logs/Homebrew/alloy/03.go:
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/internal/build/stages.go:10:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/internal/build/stages.go:11:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/internal/build/loki_write.go:7:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/internal/build/consul_agent.go:6:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/internal/build/scrape_builder.go:8:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/internal/build/scrape_builder.go:10:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/promtailconvert.go:9:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/promtailconvert.go:10:2: Get "": EOF
internal/converter/internal/promtailconvert/promtailconvert.go:14:2: Get "": EOF
internal/static/logs/logs.go:10:2: Get "": EOF
internal/static/logs/logs.go:11:2: Get "": EOF
internal/static/logs/logs.go:12:2: Get "": EOF
internal/web/api/api.go:21:2: Get "": EOF
internal/web/ui/ui.go:17:2: Get "": EOF
main.go:18:2: Get "": EOF

If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/homebrew-core):

➜ brew services start alloy
Error: Formula `alloy` is not installed.