Hello together,
I’m collecting my CurrentPower and Total Powerconsumption and than using below Query to fetch Daily and hourly consumption.
Now I would like to understand how much powerconsumption could be covered with SolarPanels during Daytime,
There for I like to get a daily value e.g. TotalConsumption from 18:00 minus TotalConsumption from 07:30.
Any Idea how the Query has to be adapted for the same?
from(bucket: "nrdb")
|> range(start: -31d)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "Powermeter" and
r._field == "TotalConsumption"
|> aggregateWindow(
every: 1d,
fn: last,
column: "_value",
timeSrc: "_stop",
timeDst: "_time"
|> timeShift(duration: -2h)
|> difference(nonNegative: true)
Thx & KR