I had the same issue. I have quite a hacky solution
In the grafana.dark..css and grafana.light..css files insert a line all at the beginning
@import utl('custom.css');
in the same folder as the grafana.dark/light css files, create a file named ‘custom.css’ (without quotes of course) In that file, enter these css rules
a[aria-label="Dashboard template variables Variable Value DropDown value link text All"] span::after,
span[aria-label="Dashboard template variables Variable Value DropDown option text All"]::after {
content: "None";
visibility: visible;
Margin-left: -16px;
a[aria-label="Dashboard template variables Variable Value DropDown value link text All"] span,
span[aria-label="Dashboard template variables Variable Value DropDown option text All"] {
visibility: hidden;
Now in the variable of the dashboard, switch on the include all option, and set the custom all value to ‘’ (two single quotes without any space) … click update and save the dashboard.
I tested this on Grafana 7.1.1 and 8.0.6 and at my installation it shows “None” instead of “All”: and my query shows " point IN(’’) " when None is selected. I am using only the mssql datasources, but this may work with other datasources as well.
NOTE: this is a hacky solution and you need to modify the default css file(s). This may also break when the html structure is updated, or another build is installed (then the css files need modification again)