Custom Notification template for Teams, markdown formatting not working in new teams?

I’m trying to create a template for notifications for Microsoft Teams. I’m starting from scratch and I’m still learning. Why do “ALARM” and probably “RESOLVE” also appear this way and not in bold.


My templete code:

{{ define "Title" }}
	{{ if gt (len .Alerts.Firing) 0 }}
		🚨 **ALARM** (#{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }})
	{{ end }}	
	{{ if gt (len .Alerts.Resolved) 0 }}
		✅ **RESOLVED** (#{{ .Alerts.Resolved | len}})
	{{ end }}	
{{- end -}}	

I checked the default_template.go and there ** ** is used to bold words, why it is not working in my code? Also here Custom templated Alert Message for MSTeams contains default templating? for this person it works just fine.

I know that teams uses Markdown formatting, according to this table Text Features - Adaptive Cards | Microsoft Learn ** ** should bold the words

Edit: I found this posts:

So is it not working right now for everyone with new MicrosoftTeams?

this is what an alert looks like for me in the new teams:

Thanks for your reply. Can you share your code for this template? I see you have bolded text there. Also do you know what could be causing my notification to be written in red? I have not defined this anywhere to have it written in red.