Custom datasource alerting throws Error message tsdb.HandleRequest() error rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing

I am trying to add alerting support to my datasource which works with static data. When i try to make it dynamic i get this error

Error message
tsdb.HandleRequest() error rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing

Can someone help in knowing how to post request/format for alerting.

Hard to say what the problem can be given the limited amount of information. What Grafana version? Any code available to share? Have you tried debug your code and/or adding print-statements in code to understand what’s going on?

Not really sure what you mean. Given you have saved a panel with query for your data source and adding an alert rule the panel query should be executed same way from the UI as from Grafana alerting. Are you trying to use template variables?