Created dashboard copy via HTTP API: alert on a copy does not work


I’m using grafana v6.6.2 with influxdb and telegraf.

I’m trying to create a dashboard template and reuse it with different variables. Important detail here is that my dashboard has an alert. I have succeeded making a full copy of dashboard via API:

  1. Got the JSON model from original dashboard
  2. Removed dashboard ID
  3. Updated dashboard UID and title
  4. Inserted the JSON to API call
  5. Got the exact copy of the dashboard with different name and UID

This copy of a dashboard has the same alert with the same rule. But it does not ever trigger. However the same alert rule perfectly works on the original dashboard (since it’s the same query I can see how my action changes one alert state but does not affect the other). Seems like alert query on a second dashboard does not return any data.

What I’ve tried so far:

  1. Remove and recreate alert rule on a second dashboard manually from UI.
  2. Disable alert on initial dashboard.
  3. Remove dashboard on the initial alert.

Thanks for your replies.

Initial dashboard JSON model:

  "annotations": {
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        "executionErrorState": "keep_state",
        "for": "0m",
        "frequency": "5m",
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        "name": "Process elapsed time alert",
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          "query": "SELECT \"Elapsed_Time\" FROM \"ras_process\" WHERE $timeFilter AND \"farm_site\" = '$farm_site' GROUP BY \"host\", \"instance\"",
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  "timezone": "browser",
  "title": "RAS Load",
  "uid": "3APGPVrWz",
  "version": 24

Template used for POST request:

  "editable": true,
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  "title": "",
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  "version": 1

Resulting dashboard:

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      "percentage": false,
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      "points": false,
      "renderer": "flot",
      "seriesOverrides": [],
      "spaceLength": 10,
      "stack": false,
      "steppedLine": false,
      "targets": [
          "groupBy": [],
          "measurement": "ras",
          "orderByTime": "ASC",
          "policy": "default",
          "query": "SELECT \"act_sess\" FROM \"ras\" WHERE $timeFilter AND \"farm_site\" = '$farm_site'",
          "rawQuery": true,
          "refId": "A",
          "resultFormat": "time_series",
          "select": [
                "params": [
                "type": "field"
          "tags": []
      "thresholds": [],
      "timeFrom": null,
      "timeRegions": [],
      "timeShift": null,
      "title": "Active sessions",
      "tooltip": {
        "shared": true,
        "sort": 0,
        "value_type": "individual"
      "type": "graph",
      "xaxis": {
        "buckets": null,
        "mode": "time",
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          "format": "short",
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          "format": "short",
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          "show": true
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        "alignLevel": null
  "schemaVersion": 22,
  "style": "dark",
  "tags": [],
  "templating": {
    "list": [
        "current": {
          "selected": false,
          "text": "VM-5537D392F0BF - VM-5537D392F0BF",
          "value": "VM-5537D392F0BF - VM-5537D392F0BF"
        "hide": 1,
        "label": "farm_site",
        "name": "farm_site",
        "options": [
            "selected": true,
            "text": "VM-5537D392F0BF - VM-5537D392F0BF",
            "value": "VM-5537D392F0BF - VM-5537D392F0BF"
        "query": "VM-5537D392F0BF - VM-5537D392F0BF",
        "skipUrlSync": false,
        "type": "constant"
  "time": {
    "from": "now-6h",
    "to": "now"
  "timepicker": {
    "refresh_intervals": [
  "timezone": "browser",
  "title": "LOAD-5E8AF14A",
  "uid": "LOAD-5E8AF14A",
  "version": 1

When I inspected initial dashboard query I have found that it somehow had hardcoded value instead of variable. Not sure how I could run into this. But now the answer is obvious: all the copies had a templated query instead which is not supported. Case closed. Thanks.

Hello. I’m exploring an idea of also duplicating my already existing dashboard using API, like you have done. Was wondering if you can possibly explain what and how you changed from origin JSON from Grafana to the one you send using post request to create a new one? Thanks a lot.