Capture Id from post request from one scenario and pass in GET request in another scenario

I’m trying to capture promiseID from post request in scenario1 and pass it in Get request in scenario2 since TPS of both Post and Get are different.

import { authenticate } from “…/services/auth-request”;
import {
} from “…/services/outboundPromise-request”;
import { logMetrics, printMetrics } from “…/services/custom-metric”;
import { sleep } from “k6”;

var accessToken: string | null = null;

export const options = {
scenarios: {
Post: {
executor: “constant-arrival-rate”,
rate: 2,
duration: “1m”,
preAllocatedVUs: 1,
maxVUs: 1,
exec: “testFlow1”,
Get: {
executor: “constant-arrival-rate”,
rate: 1,
duration: “1m”,
startTime: “10s”,
preAllocatedVUs: 1,
maxVUs: 1,
exec: “testFlow2”,
discardResponseBodies: false,
thresholds: {
http_req_duration: [“p(95)<500”],
http_req_failed: [“rate<0.1”],

let globalPromiseId: string;

export function setup() {
accessToken = authenticate();
if (!accessToken) {
throw new Error(“Failed to authenticate and get access token”);

return { accessToken };

export function testFlow1(data: { accessToken: any }) {
accessToken = data.accessToken;

if (!accessToken) {
throw new Error(“Authentication failed, no access token received”);

const { promiseId, response } = postOutboundPromise(accessToken);
if (!promiseId) {
throw new Error(“POST request failed, no promiseId received”);

// Update global variables
globalPromiseId = promiseId;

// Log metrics for the POST request

logMetrics(“POST /promises”, response);

return { promiseId };

export function testFlow2(data: { accessToken: any }) {
accessToken = data.accessToken;

if (!accessToken) {
throw new Error(“Authentication failed, no access token received”);

console.log(globalPromiseId + “this is ok ?”);

const promiseId = globalPromiseId;

// Wait to simulate the delay and ensure GET request happens after POST
sleep(1); // Adjust sleep duration as needed

const getResponse = getPromiseDetails(
// globalPostResponse

// Log metrics for the GET request
logMetrics(“GET /promises/:promiseId}”, getResponse);

return { getResponse };

// Teardown function to print metrics
export function teardown() {