Can't send a grpc request with k6


I am trying to send a grpc request using k6 and I am getting a timeout with this error:

GoError: context deadline exceeded: connection error: desc = “error reading server preface: http2: frame too large”

Has anyone encountered this issue?

Hi @aviklaiman !

Welcome to the community forums! :wave:

It sounds like the connection issue :thinking:

Out of curiosity, does your service require authentification? Is it behind any proxy? Does the issue persist when you try to use another util like grpccurl?


@olegbespalov Hi,

Thanks - managed to solve it.

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Hi! How did you solved your issue? We’re facing a similar situation.

do you mind sharing solution? i’m also facing the similar issue.

not sure if i got pass the issue, looks like the error “error reading server preface: http2: frame too large” is misleading, i tried to configure with TLS:

client.connect('<host>:443', { timeout: '5s' })

and then got pass this issue.

however, i’m facing:

unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 464 (); malformed header: missing HTTP content-type

not sure if this is server configuration issue? my but guess is the server doesn’t have application/grpc enabled