I think your issue is that your timestamps not are epoch (seconds since 1970) or are they? Checking 314753895 on https://www.epochconverter.com/ results in Saturday 22 December 1979 23:38:15 - is that expected?
I have no idea. If LOGGTIME and LOGGTIMECHAR is the same thing, but different representation I suppose the LOGGTIME is the number of something since some starting point in time. If you know the starting point in time and something you may be able to convert it to proper epoch format.
Epoch, some starting point=1st Jan 1970, something=seconds.
Otherwise your only option is to try and parse the LOGGTIMECHAR. If you have possibility to change the table schema and how you write the data that would probably be the optimal solution for being able to use it in a proper and supported way in Grafana.