Can you tell me how to remove the highlighting

Can you tell me how to remove the highlighting when filtering logs? It didn’t work for me. I have this request

{container_name="traefik"} | logfmt |= "request denied"

The output is

Couple of options, you can use regexp and split the log lines into three parts, and then combine afterwards. You can also use template plus replace function.

Example using regex:

{SELECTOR} | regexp `^(?P<part1>.*) request denied (?P<part2>.*)$` | line_format "{{.part1}} {{.part2}}"

I have the same issue. @tonyswumac he didn’t mean remove the text, he meant literally disable the highlighting because it can make the logs hard to read.

Highlighting is great when you’re looking for a needle in a haystack, but when you’re looking for the straw, it’s overwhelming.

I see. I’ve not had to do this before, so I am not sure if it’s possible or not. Hopefully someone more knowledge can chime in.