Annotation Query Failed - error comes and goes

Recently, the following error is appearing in multiple banners on our dashboard, which becomes usable. Ver 6.1.6 in a container.

Annotation Query Failed
{"data":null,"status":-1,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"jsonpCallbackParam":"callback","url":"api/annotations","params":{"from":1556719128955,"to":1556719428955,"dashboardId":2},"retry":0,"headers":{"X-Grafana-Org-Id":1,"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*"}},"statusText":"","xhrStatus":"error"}

Logging is currently on `info’ and does not report anything relevant to this event. After some minutes the ugly red banner warnings go away and normal behaviour resumes.

Do I need to look for a bug on my side or is this a known issue with a fix?

Many thanks

If you open the Chrome dev tools and look at the console and network tab, can you see any other errors? Or are there any errors in your Grafana server logs?

Thank you Daniellee,

The error comes regularly and sometimes resolves spontaneously and always resolves with a refresh.
Just to confirm, multiple large red banners come up with “Annotation Query Failed”.
Indeed I do have (static) annotations on this dashboard.

Any pointers gratefully received.

I see nothing else on the logs or anything on the network tab. On the console tab, this:

(anonymous) @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
20:45:00.463 VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147 Possibly unhandled rejection: {"message":"Unexpected error"}
(anonymous) @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
(anonymous) @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
c @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
$digest @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
$apply @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
(anonymous) @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
a @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
e.startNextRefreshTimer @ VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1
(anonymous) @ VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1
(anonymous) @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
h @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
(anonymous) @ VM531 vendor.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:147
20:45:00.675 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.690 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.693 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.696 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.699 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.701 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.704 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.707 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.711 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.714 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.718 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.721 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.743 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.766 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.769 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:1 Panel data error: {message: "Network Error: undefined(undefined)", data: undefined, config: undefined}
20:45:00.771 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:5 AnnotationSrv.query error {data: null, status: -1, headers: ƒ, config: {…}, statusText: "", …}
20:45:00.775 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:5 AnnotationSrv.query error {data: null, status: -1, headers: ƒ, config: {…}, statusText: "", …}
20:45:00.779 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:5 AnnotationSrv.query error {data: null, status: -1, headers: ƒ, config: {…}, statusText: "", …}
20:45:00.782 VM533 app.e5cd6a68a5082a305f5a.js:5 AnnotationSrv.query error 


To add, my (influx) data source has a retention policy of one hour and I have not yet seen this error when time window is zoomed back to enclose all the data available. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.

I finally appear to have solved this issue.
Exported the json of the panel with the annotations.
Deleted this panel from the dashboard.
Imported the JSON to recreate the dashboard an FWIW changed the UID when prompted.

Can you explain to a newbie a bit more in detail? I am getting the same pop-up error.

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I solved the issue by removing “Annotations query”. Here is more documentation about the functionality: Annotations | Grafana documentation

Steps to remove:

  1. Go to dashboard
  2. Go to dashboard settings (gear icon at the top)
  3. Go to Annotations section (in the left menu)
  4. Remove the query
  5. Save the dashboard