Alerting error in Plugin OSISoft PI

Hello. I am the developer of the OSISoft PI plugin. At the moment I am working in the migration to backend plugin (GO) - GitHub - GridProtectionAlliance/osisoftpi-grafana at backend.

Testing the Alerting, I am getting a strange error as soon as I select the attributes or Pi Points (query is executed):

logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin t=2024-04-05T20:19:30.163893331-03:00 level=error msg="Failed to build evaluator for queries and expressions: condition C does not exist, must be one of [A]" error="Failed to build evaluator for queries and expressions: condition C does not exist, must be one of [A]" remote_addr=[::1] traceID=

The error goes aways when I click on Preview button and all works.

Any help?

Thank you, pvmagacho