Hi, Is there a way to add a unique id to handleSummary? Thanks.
Hi @rkaur1 !
Could you please elaborate on why and where you need a unique ID? Or maybe what problem are you trying to solve?
I am running the tests in Kubernetes. I have build K6-operator using xk6-sql.
I am writing…
- custom metrics(user time to login into application, open a tab, etc) to one postgres table say custom_metric_table
- Also writing K6 in-built metrics to another table say k6_metric_table. K6 tests are running from 4 different pods so K6 builtin metrics are being written by each pod.
I need to add a “system generated” ID both the tables custom_metric_table, k6_metric_table.
What is the best way to do it? Thanks.
Also, how can I get pod ID and write to each of the tables? Thanks.
Hi, Any inputs on the above question? Thanks.