Where can i find post built login related files of Grafana? Need Path of login files (both HTML and GO post built)

Currently i’m running Grafana-master which i got from git-hub. i have followed the steps to run this master version, and its working fine now.
I need to customise Grafana login with my custom style and logic. For that i need to know,
Where to find, post built login related files of Grafana? For HTML and GO both.

May i know in which location i can find currently running files of grafana which i need to edit?

If you cloned Grafana, then you need to build the files yourself and it sounds like you have it working. Then why would you want to change the “post built login related files of Grafana?”

The source for the login page html is: https://github.com/grafana/grafana/blob/master/public/app/partials/login.html

The built files for the frontend can be found in the public/build subdirectory. The compiled/built file for go is the grafana-server binary that can be found in the bin subdirectory.