Update failed because of wrong installation?

On your pi search for all services running and post back

I were able to remove it with purge grafana-rpi but I got these to warnings:

dpkg: warning: while removing grafana-rpi:armhf, directory '/etc/grafana' not empty so not removed
dpkg: warning: while removing grafana-rpi:armhf, directory '/usr/lib/systemd/system' not empty so not removed

then I tried:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt purge grafana*
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package grafana backup
E: Unable to locate package grafana-rpi_7.4.3_armhf.deb
E: Unable to locate package grafana-rpi_7.4.3_armhf.deb.1
E: Unable to locate package grafana-rpi_7.4.3_armhf.deb.2

then I reinstalled grafana with the tutorial for Rpi
now it seems to be there

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ apt-cache policy grafana
  Installed: 10.0.3
  Candidate: 10.0.3

but unfortunaltey if I connect with grafana with my browser it still shows version 7.4.3…

If I use

ps -A

I see grafana-server in the list

it works now,

thank you! I had to restart the service and then version 10.0.3 appeared!