TypeError: e.current is undefined


Recently I have noticed that my Grafana (latest version) dashboard is displaying the following error, usually, after changing a variable and simply trying to scroll down the page:

    An unexpected error happened
    TypeError: e.current is undefined
        in t
        in p
        in div
        in t
        in div
        in t
        in div
        in t
        in p
        in div
        in o
        in DraggableCore
        in t
        in div
        in ReactGridLayout
        in Unknown
        in SizeMeReferenceWrapper
        in SizeMeRenderer(Component)
        in SizeMe(Component)
        in t
        in div
        in div
        in div
        in e
        in t
        in div
        in div
        in t
        in p
        in n
        in Unknown
        in t
        in Unknown
        in h
        in Unknown
        in Unknown
        in t
        in t
        in h

What I can do to reproduce this error is to change a variable and try and scroll down the page and the error suddenly pops up. I could post my JSON if necessary but since there’s so much to sanitize, I would prefer to solve this on my own. I could very well be an error created by me as I am always adding/modifying this dashboard.

Any guidance on where to begin would be created appreciated.

What type of panels do you have on the dashboard? Any custom plugins?

Sorry for the delay but the issue has been resolved. I filed a bug report and the issue was acknowledged and fixed.

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