Table Panel trims leading + or 0 characters from SQL string

Dear Community,

I wrote a simple SQL query that outputs phone-numbers as a string formatted like ‘+4912345678’.
When I create a panel, visualized as a table Grafana trims my leading ‘+’ or ‘00’ characters from the result field. I tried several things but cannot figure out on how to get the full string displayed.

This is the grafana output:

This is the actual SQL result:

This is my query :slight_smile:
Select TOP(20)
FORMAT(CallReceived,‘HH:mm’) AS Call,
PhoneNumber AS Number,
ContactCompany AS Company,
ContactName AS Contact,
Order BY CallReceived DESC

Dear community. I’d be very grateful for any hint on how to resolve this.

Add a field override for the field, with “Unit” as “Misc → String”


Appreciate the tip but that’s nuts to have to do that. What would posses a sane person to format a string as a number by default?

Field override “Unit” as “Misc → String” is not working for me.

Is your issue also with Phone Numbers?

No. Actually I’ve now figured out that my trailing zeroes are missing from my source data, so Grafana isn’t causing it. :man_facepalming: