Table panel, color code time range

Running grafana 10.2.2 on linux.

I am (among other things) monitoring a system running on battery power with wind, solar and generator charging. Among the things I am displaying is an estimate of when the voltage of the battery bank will go under a certain value:

The upper row is showing when and in how long time the voltage will go below 49V if the charging keeps on as the last 24 hours, the lower row is showing when it will go below 49V if all charging is lost. (when I took the screen shot, the windmill had been charging the batteries for a couple of days, so using those data, my linear estimate would show that the voltage would be 49V sometimes in the past, so I am not showing the data)

I would like the number in the “Time to 49V” column to change colors depending on the time left, ie. something like green when > 48 hours, yellow when <48 and > 12 hours and red for < 12 hours.

I have set up similar systems for floating point values, so I know how to use tresholds to color contents of cells, but I do not manage to find the right tresholds here. The data comes from postgresql as intervals. Would I have to return it as numeric values insted to set tresholds or is it somhowe possible to set tresholds on intervals?

I tried to set a treshold like 24:00:00 which did not work. if I try to set a small numerical value, the time interval always seems to be below that value, i.e. fired at the base treshold value. Any help?

is that a custom plugin or out of the box table plugin? a possible approach using Business Text plugin

It is the standard out of the box grafana table panel