Scaling does not work

Hi all,
I cannot believe I have to ask, but I’ve searched the docs, the forum and github and did not find an answer :frowning:

I’ve created a very simple table with example data from the docs:

SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-01 12:30:00’) as ‘time’, ‘Metric A’ as ‘measurement’, 62 as ‘ValueOne’, 6 as ‘ValueTwo’
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-01 12:30:00’), ‘Metric B’, 62, 6
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-02 12:30:00’) , ‘Metric A’, 12262 ,6
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-02 12:30:00’), ‘Metric B’, 62, 6
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-03 12:30:00’), ‘Metric A’, 62,6
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-03 12:30:00’), ‘Metric B’, 62, 6
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-04 12:30:00’), ‘Metric A’, 62, 6
UNION SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,‘2018-09-04 12:30:00’), ‘Metric B’, 62, 6

As you see, the only peak is 12262 in 3rd row. Auto-Scale is fine when I select date range 7 days, but when I select only the last 2 days, why does it not auto scale? You see the top is still 15K so the graph is nearly useless. I must make a really simple mistake… :frowning:
Additionally the tooltip does not seem to work correct?

Many thanks in advance!