[Question] How Many Options Can a Variable Have?

I am using Azure LogAnalytics as log collector.
All my Dashboard have template variables, and in all of them I use the multi value feature.
I have a problem with a lot of variables, where the list of every variable is incomplete.
I get only part of the options I should be getting, and when I run the variable’s defining query in LogAnalytics it shows all the results.
I am thinking this is happening because I haven’t defined my variables to be set by the time of the dashboard, but I don’t know how to do it so instead I am looking for all options available in all the logs from all the time.
For example, let’s say I am on my firewall dashboard, the ports I see in the port variable list is not all the ports there are (in the logs), instead it shows only the top 1k ports (not really sure about this number).
So i’m basically asking two questions here:

  1. Why my variable list doesn’t contain all the options?
  2. Is there a way for the variable to show list of options only relevant to the dashboards time range?
  1. Is there a way for the variable to show list of options only relevant to the dashboards time range?

i have never worked with Azure Log Analytics, but acordly to docs, you can filter by time, so i say that this must be possible