Problems with grafana-image-renderer

I’ve installed grafana 7.3.3 bitnami AMI instance on EC2 server. Image-renderer is pre-installed in location /opt/bitnami/grafana-image-renderer so it’s not in the defined plugin directory. Does this matter?

my grafana.ini contains:



-Nothing preset-

Something weird happens with that callback url. as i reset grafana i get message in grafana.log:

t=2021-03-05T10:09:45+0000 lvl=info msg=“Config overridden from Environment variable” logger=settings var=“GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL=

I cant find GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL on the filesystem and i dont see it in printenv.

I’m trying to use curl on grafana server to check if i could create the rendered image. I’m calling
curl ‘ht tp://localhost:8080/render/d-solo/UID/DASHBOARD orgId=1&panelId=58&width=1000&height=500&tz=Europe%2FHelsinki’

I get

Cannot GET /render/d-solo/_cnQzOyMk/finnheat-dashboard-preview

as response.

When calling curl ‘ht tp://’ I get the wanted result.

Do you know why my setup is not working.

I also installed “a second instance” of grafana-image-renderer like this Install plugins now this resides in /opt/bitnami/grafana/data/plugins and contains plugin_start_linux_amd64

When running node /opt/bitnami/grafana-image-renderer/build/app.js i think i have 2 instances of grafana-image-renderer running in ports 8080 and 8081

Also the fact that grafana-image-renderer has conf/cofig.json and build/config.js. running config.js fills config.json?

When running node js app in port 8081 i get 404 error and the same error response as above:

bitnami@ip-11111111:/opt/bitnami$ node grafana-image-renderer/build/app.js server
{“config”:{“chromeBin”:“/usr/bin/chromium”,“args”:[“–no-sandbox”],“ignoresHttpsErrors”:false,“width”:1000,“height”:500,“deviceScaleFactor”:1,“maxWidth”:3000,“maxHeight”:3000,“maxDeviceScaleFactor”:3,“mode”:“default”,“clustering”:{“mode”:“browser”,“maxConcurrency”:5},“verboseLogging”:false,“dumpio”:false},“level”:“debug”,“message”:“Browser initialized”}
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“HTTP Server started, listening at”}
{“message”:“ - - [05/Mar/2021:16:07:23 +0000] "GET /render/d-solo/“UID”/“DASHB”?orgId=1&from=1614931645843&to=1614935245843&panelId=58&width=1000&height=500&tz=Europe%2FHelsinki HTTP/1.1" 404 189 "-" "curl/7.64.0"\n”,“level”:“error”}

I’m just really confused :smiley:

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