Plugin or tip to make average alerting graph with past datas


I have an idea of ​​creating a dashboard with two graphs. One would be a graph with real time data and the other would present average values ​​from the last month. Based on the difference between the two values, I would like to create an alerting rules. Do you have any idea how to create something like this, or is there a plugin that would help me?


I found plugin CompareQueries, which makes multiple timeshifts. To slove my problem I need to make average value from this timeshifts. Do you know how to make avarage graph from multiple values?


Finnaly I was able to create a graph showing the trend. For math operations I used the Transformation options, unfortunately many plugins have a problem with displaying Transformation results. The solution for this would be to use Expression Math. However, this function does not work with the CompareQueries plugin. I need to run Expression with CompareQueries or Flowcharting plugin with Trnsformation function. Maybe you have any ideas?


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