Migrate old prometheus data to mimir

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
    Grafana v8.3.3
    Mimirtool, version 2.3.1 (branch: release-2.3, revision: 64a71a566)
    go version: go1.18.4
    platform: linux/amd64
    checking latest version… You are on the latest version
    Ubuntu 18.04

  • What are you trying to achieve?
    I want to migrate old prometheus data to grafana mimir

  • How are you trying to achieve it?
    I m using mimir-tool

  • What happened?
    I m getting 404 errors.

./mimirtool-linux-amd64 backfill --address=address:9009 --id=anonymous 01GFZWFAYYFG46CM8YJHD10MKZ --log.level=“debug”
INFO[0000] log level set to debug
INFO[0000] Backfilling blocks=01GFZWFAYYFG46CM8YJHD10MKZ user=anonymous
DEBU[0000] New Mimir client created address=“address:9009” id=anonymous
INFO[0000] making request to start block upload block=01GFZWFAYYFG46CM8YJHD10MKZ file=meta.json path=01GFZWFAYYFG46CM8YJHD10MKZ
DEBU[0000] sending request to Grafana Mimir API method=POST url=“
DEBU[0000] checking response status=“404 Not Found”
DEBU[0000] server returned HTTP status 404 Not Found: 404 page not found fields.msg=“404 page not found” status=“404 Not Found”
ERRO[0000] failed uploading block error=“request to start block upload failed: POST request to failed: requested resource not found” path=01GFZWFAYYFG46CM8YJHD10MKZ