I have a query that through pattern command extract a couple of values from a log into two variable,
example: | pattern text1 | pattern text2
I want to “print” through the line format command the ratio between them…
something like this…
| line_forrmat {{.variable1}}/{{.variable2}}
the two variables are numeric
but the result is that / is interpreted as a char…
is there a way to perform this calculation?
I have the same issue, trying to do math inside | line_format using template function.
It appears that Loki does not support toInt --meaning there is no way.
| regexp Parsing.*?"ceiling":(?P<parse_ceiling>\d+)
| regexp PreProcessing.*?"ceiling":(?P<PreProcessing_ceiling>\d+)
| line_format “Compare {{.parse_ceiling}} to {{.PreProcessing_ceiling}} should be {{if gt .parse_ceiling .PreProcessing_ceiling}} Is greater than {{else}} is not greater than {{end}}”
Please add this feature.