K6 operator: no matches for kind "K6" in version "k6.io/v1alpha1"

The K6 operator is complaining about no matches for kind "K6" in version "k6.io/v1alpha1" so the K6 operator restarts again and again.
Yesterday (Jan 23) I did the git clone: so the K6 Operator is up to date.

And yes, that’s true the K6 kind is not there:

kubectl get crd k6s.k6.io


Error from server (NotFound): customresourcedefinitions.apiextensions.k8s.io "k6s.k6.io" not found

But the TestRun Kind is there:

k get crd testruns.k6.io


NAME             CREATED AT
testruns.k6.io   2025-01-24T11:06:22Z

I found the issue it’s related to the latest release (v0.0.18) of K6s operator and the enhancement “Rename K6 CRD to TestRun” (see here)

The workaround is to use the v0.0.17:
git clone https://github.com/grafana/k6-operator.git --branch v0.0.17 --single-branch