I need to fix a panel in specific Timerange

I want to show the gamescore of players for a group of friends using the data from a MariaDB

I added a new panel for the next “league” or “series” for the next half year. Now I want to use my timerange 2024-10-01 to now for the most recent panel. But the historic panel from the last half year also zooms into the new timerange.

I want the historic gamescores to be fixes from 2024-04-01 to 2024-09-30

SELECT spieler AS “metric”, date AS “time”, punkte FROM doppelkopf.score2024 GROUP BY date, spieler
This is my query to get the players (spieler) with their score (punkte).

Thank you for your help.

I’m not sure you can do that. For every panel you can override the relative time (from now) or shift the panel in time from the time picker. For your case, you could use this year / last 6 months (like in the screen) but it wouldn’t suit your case to the t.

You could go the other way around - have your dashboard from 2024-04-01 and override the time info everywhere else but I guess it would be just as impractical.

Maybe a Trend or X Y chart would do the trick if you select only the time range you’re interested in?

SELECT spieler AS metric, 
       date AS 'time', 
       punkte as value
  FROM doppelkopf.score2024 
 WHERE date between cast('2024-04-01' as date) 
   and cast('2024-09-30' as date)
 GROUP BY date, spieler

are you talking about doing this?