Hwo to use cas to ahth

We had an old version that integrated grafana by configuring CAS logins, and now that we upgraded to the new version, we found that there were no configuration options for CAS and how to configure it if CAS authentication was required, The following CAS configuration information:

#################################### Auth CAS ##########################
enabled = true
server_url =
inner_server_url =
default_callback = xx:8080/grafana/login


try to use apache proxy with mod_auth_cas for interactions with CAS server

With config like this :

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

CASCookiePath /apache_sessions/
CASLoginURL https://sso.xxx.com/cas/login
CASValidateURL https://sso.xxx.com/cas/p3/serviceValidate
CASDebug Off
CASRootProxiedAs https://xxx.com
CASTimeout 28800
CASIdleTimeout 14400
CASValidateSAML Off
CASSSOEnabled On
CASAttributePrefix CAS_

We already have CAS server, the old version of granfa, we set up to integrate CAS server,the following is the old configuation for grafana to access the CAS server,but the new version I don’t know how to config the grafana to access the CAS server.

#################################### Auth CAS ##########################
enabled =
server_url =
inner_server_url =
default_callback =

Is there an Nginx equivalent for the mentioned Apache script snippet?