How to show a track on a map

I’m working on a machine which is used to detect potholes.
It finds potholes and stores the data in a influxDB in this way:
Time Hoehe Latitude Longitude Schlag location
---- ----- -------- --------- ------ --------
1602072326591602431 312.5 48.828203 9.069449 2.25 Fahrzeug
1602072673385503254 312.1 48.828203 9.069451 1.32 Fahrzeug
1602072673748544229 311.6 48.828199 9.069445 1.14 Fahrzeug
1602072673783766839 311.1 48.828206 9.069456 1.53 Fahrzeug
1602072673815916482 311.7 48.828211 9.069460 1.34 Fahrzeug
1602072674503091866 310.1 48.828215 9.069464 1.52 Fahrzeug
1602072674546774381 310.5 48.828209 9.069460 1.16 Fahrzeug
1602074985388439389 310.3 48.828205 9.069458 1.33 Fahrzeug
1602075003853836544 311.3 48.828206 9.069454 1.34 Fahrzeug
1602075133772997768 311.6 48.828203 9.069449 1.34 Fahrzeug
1602075262702168608 311.7 48.828205 9.069448 1.34 Fahrzeug
Is there any way how to display the location of the damages on a map using grafana.
Thanks a lot in advance

Given that you’re far more interested in the latitude, longitude and severity
of the potholes than you are in the timestamp, I would suggest that Grafana is
not the right tool for this job.

I would investigate various GPS mapping tools which would commonly be used for
things like journey monitoring, showing things like position vs. velocity. In
your case it would be position vs. severity of pothole.

Grafana is strongly biased towards visualisation of time series data.

