How to Properly plot Graph using Mean() and subquery

Hello All,
I have created below and was able to create a query using sub query and Mean(). i want to get the mean of all the data points for this time period not just the day. i was able to get the query to work but not Data points come up, however in the legend it did work, anyone know how to fix so all the data points for each time will come up and basically create a trend line?

Here is the query i used to get the data

SELECT sum(“value”) AS “alias” FROM “autogen”.“VmStorageReport_NumberOfVms” WHERE (“Environment” = ‘Non-Prod’) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

Here is the query i used to get the Average that wont plot

SELECT mean(*) FROM (SELECT sum(“value”) AS “alias” FROM “autogen”.“VmStorageReport_NumberOfVms” Where (“Environment” = ‘Non-Prod’) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)) Where $timeFilter

Here is Graph (see legend for what im looking for)